Friday, September 7, 2018

Bread of Life

First of all, let me explain the title of yesterday's blog - 'Bootle Paradiso'.  It's where I' m staying; an oasis in the heart of a disadvantaged area of Sefton. Today's headline is more appropriate for why we're here. This was the opening song for one of the workshops we attended this afternoon. 'We' Jenny and Carmel arrived around midday having been stranded on a stationary motorway due to a serious accident. We were officially welcomed by Archbishop Malcolm, of Nottingham fame. He assured us of a welcome that was secure and warm and providing us with a gateway.(a Eucharistic messages is hid den in there!)
We have been promised that copies of all the talks may be viewed on the website of the Bishops of England and Wales. Suffice it to say that we will offer you a few snippets that will give you a flavour of today's proceedings.
Three excellent speakers in the morning. The first quoted St Jerome "To know the scriptures is to know Christ" and he added 'and understand the Eucharist'.  His various themes were subtitled with names of Beatles' songs. (Try linking their songs with the Eucharist!) The first and third talk were illustrated with excellent slides. The last talk had us captured with a picture of a burger, complete with bun; a survey of eating habits and elements of meals applied to fast food, a family meal and the breaking of bread at the Eucharist. The elements were: Time, Creation , Ownership and Self.
We broke for lunch and spotted the Nottingham delegates in their Lincoln green hats. Delegates of A&B wore posh blue and gold neck scarves. Robin Hood may have had something to say about!
We'll conclude with a story told during one of the pm workshops.
A young boy was packing a picnic and told his Mum that he was going out to find God. His Mum did not resist his wish and off he went. He got as far as the local park and noticed an old lady sitting on a bench. She seemed lonely. He sat on the bench next to her. He asked her if she was hungry. She replied in the affirmative. He opened his picnic box and shared a biscuit. She gave him a wonderful smile. He asked her if she would like another biscuit. She eat it and she gave the boy another enchanting smile. He continued to share his biscuits and in time a bottle of lemonade. Each time he was rewarded by the old lady's smile. At the end of the day they went their separate ways. On his return home the boy was asked by his Mum what he had done. "Well, I met God". "Are you sure", asked the Mum. "Oh, yes. She's quite old, but has a wonderful smile"!
The old lady on returning home was met by her son who asked her what she been up to. "Well, I met God in the park and I never realised He was so young"!
More clues about the Eucharist hidden in that story!!

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