The culmination of the Congress: Cardinal Nichols, the Bishops and many priests ascend the steps of the Metropolitan Cathedral for Benediction, with the support of the 10,000 pilgrims.
Deo Gratias! What a joy - the whole weekend - it was to be a Catholic. It has been difficult to capture the atmosphere and the essence of Adoremus, but do speak to us about the special moments. The final chapter was the 11.30am Solemn Pilgrimage Mass and the Procession of the Blessed Sacrament through the streets surrounding the Cathedral. The Mass was marked by a capacity congregation and assembled priests, religious, bishops along with our main celebrant, Cardinal Nichols. Led by a thirty-strong choir and with the swell of the organ we launched the liturgy with 'All people that on earth do dwell' and it sounded like 'all people' The clergy processed and we proudly watched them move pass by before we reached the great 'Amen' of this powerful hymn.
Archishop Malcolm gave the homily and from the gospel of the day he directed our thoughts to the deaf man and Jesus taking 'him aside in private'. We may struggle with the idea that Jeus can love every one unconditional and in a very personal manner. The Eucharist encounter is Jesus taking us aside and giving us His full, undivided attention; an equivalent of a private audience.
The ears of the deaf man that have been opened allowed him to experience more than the voice of individuals, but also the noise of bustling crowds. In a contemporary setting it would be the noise of the the traffic, blaring music and the iritation of loud mobile phone conversations. However, hearing and concentrating on the voice of Jesus the noise of society is blocked out. In the frenzy of life we hear Him speak to us in private. From the privacy of that conversation we took our witness and His message into the streets of Liverpool. Amen alleluia!!
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